Friday, March 6, 2009 American Idol

Now that we know the Top 13 contestants of Season 8, I think I will be going the root-for-your-hometown route and support my boy Adam Lambert

His Idol profile claims L.A. as his hometown but don't be fooled - he is a PQ boy at heart and a Deer Canyon/Mesa Verde/Mt. Carmel graduate. Yayuh.

So he can be a little over the top for my taste when it comes to the shrills and vocal gymnastics, but he has a damn impressive range. He's one of those people whose style you either love or loathe. I think if he learns how to tone it down for the show, he has a pretty good chance of making it far into the competition. Vocally speaking, very Axl Rose to me. Maybe a little Robert Plant at times and David Bowie, vibe-wise. Some people say Freddie Mercury, but it's hard for me to compare someone to who I regard as probably the greatest rock vocalist of all time. 

Anyways, did I mention he's fab as hell? One thing's for sure, he's got the glam rock thing down. Idol needs a little edge these days. 

Team Anoop Doog too.

1 comment:

CommanderCacho said...

im still bummed ricky didn't make it through, i think he had more upside vocally than any of the guy singers. he had the potential to bring the house down.