Sunday, October 18, 2009

Worth a try

I have no idea what the end product of this post is going to be like. Erwin had pointed out how lackluster the efforts of our little blogging community have been lately (the peeps on the right side of my page if you didn't know already), so I thought I might as well wing it and post something. You could say most of my favorite posts have been class-lecture or douche-encounter inspired, but obviously I can't rely on that for inspiration no mo'. I feel like I rag on religion too much as well, and although I have plenty more to say, I'd like to still believe there's a little place in heaven for me someday O:-)

I prefer to flesh out my posts if possible, so I'll usually only blog about something after it's had time to simmer in my brain and I have enough shit to say. I like my posts meaty. But with the combination of being addicted to Twitter and being as impatient as I am, I tend to just blurt out the thoughts in my head as they come now.

There's no stupid comment by some ignoramus in class I can build a post off of anymore. I see the same people everyday at work and for the most part they are all really nice - I'm not even exaggerating. So what now? I mean jeez I'm only turning 23 soon, I don't want to think life starts to get less interesting and shit starts to get really real from this point. The next closest milestones won't be happening anytime soon, as long as life goes according to plan:

-Moving out: Maybe in the next year? Or two? I like not having to pay for much while living with my 'rents but this could definitely happen in the near future.
-Marriage: Meh, I'm not really in a hurry. Some people say not much will change, so why not? I say not much will change, so why in a rush?
-Kids: I'd like to remain kid-less for a while after getting married. I actually questioned myself at times if I really wanted kids at all. I think I was just scared at what kind of mother I would turn out to be, but then I snapped out of it. I mean how cool with it be to have a mom with such infinite wisdom? (I keed, you never know how well sarcasm comes across on teh interwebs).

But what of the meantime?

Til the next post...whenever that is...


miss. chief said...

Oh, you're not fooling anybody. You must do other things than go to work and ... nothing. And if you don't then WHAT THE HELL?

Just Ray said...

my pad is always and option within a year or so so hit me up. and i think its coo you dont want kids right away cuz to many couples rush that when they get married than find out the hard way they needed more time

Kristine said...

@miss.chief: I usually don't like posting about what I do day to day i.e. "I woke up at this morning & did X & Y" etc. I think I just need to get excited about blogging again! Hah.

@Just Ray: I'm def keeping that an option still. I think Raf is more excited about me moving out than I am because he brings it up @ least once a day.