Monday, April 7, 2008

Rock It Don't Stop It

Now more than ever, I dread coming out to high school functions because I don't really have too many people to say what's up to anymore. I feel old but at the same time am baffled at the way I blend in with these high schoolers that look beyond their years (or it could be the fact that I still get "Are you 16?" Damn it). Mount Carmel isn't even recognizable to me anymore, too much of a Westview vibe going on. But of course, I had to come out for MC Airbands to support my brother and let's face it, MC always holds it down when it comes to airbands. This is also the reason I only come out to band/guard shows because MC kicks ass at that too. Anyways, I was expecting a typical MC airbands show with notable guest performers and good competing groups, but if you didn't go this year you missed out!

It's nice to see Mount Carmel keep the tradition alive with current students and alumni on many of the exhibition teams, from 220, Urban FX, Super Galactic Beat Manipulators, Formality, and many other teams. Plus not only do former Sundevils rock it on the stage, but a good number are leading behind the scenes as current/former captains or directors. Great job guys.

The first big surprise of the night was a special appearance by Kevin Brewer of the Jabbawockeez/SGBM. For me, it was surreal that everyone busted out their cell phones and cameras when he came out because I've been watching him since his days on Culture Shock SD/Jabbawockeez in '03 - now he's celebrity status, which is cool but I'm still getting used to it. Raf even introduced me to him a couple times when we ran into him at Barnes and saw him at his old work (Apple Store at UTC haha). It's funny because he only came to watch and enjoy the show, but I guess everyone recognized him so during intermission they asked him to come on stage to introduce SGBM.

But the WTF moment of the night was when Donnie from Making the Band 4 made an appearance! Seriously, WTF? First the hosts from Z90 were talking about the importance of education and saying no to budget cuts, next thing you know they talk about being able to fly "someone from MTV" out here, then what do you know, Donnie steps through the curtain. Now I didn't even think Donnie was that tight on the show, but when he showed up the inner fangirl inside of me came out (think circa Backstreet Boys in their prime) and my first instinct was to scream and wail my arms like a 14-year old. Oy.

"Don't wanna play no games I want you excluuuuuusive"

All in all, it was a very entertaining show - congrats to my brother's group GCA for getting first!


CommanderCacho said...

omg i would've screamed like a bitch if i was there...and he's my least favorite one.

adonis (old account) said...

DONNIE OMG <8 !!!!!

whoa where is this.. im so used to the gym

Nazer Lagrimas Jr said...

yeah what the hell was that the theater?