Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No air-uh air-uh

I swear this week is the slowest ever at work and I must have heard that song about 7 times, no joke. That and "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis ,which I can't stand anymore and never really liked in the first place. At least with "No Air" I can listen to the sweetness of my boy Chris Brown. I've said some funny things about CB (my roommates think so at least) but I don't feel like disclosing them right now to save myself the embarrassment.

Since the last time I blogged I really have nothing to talk about. No new discoveries, life-changing epiphanies, just blah. Maybe if I had some actual drama in my life I could tell cool stories about things like how my best friend stabbed me in the back, or how I went out of my way just to spite an ex, exciting stuff like that.

I think a part of it is also how I refrain from going in depth about specific issues i.e. some relationship stuff or sex because I don't have the luxury of anonymity in these cases. I tend to talk about that stuff in general because if I say something like "Don't you fcking hate it when your boyfriend _______", everyone would just think "Damn Raf what did you do" haha. Who knows, maybe I do mean it, maybe I don't, but I just avoid that situation in general cuz people be too assuming nowadays. Sometimes it's hard to discern what people are really trying to say when it's on paper, nawmean.

Anyways, one thing I do look forward to is Culture Clash at House of Blues tomorrow, it feels like it's been forever since I've gone to an event like this or anything remotely close to the club scene. I know a lot of SD people that I haven't seen in a while are going, so it'll be good to see some familiar faces up here. Also, I'll probably have more to talk about after making some observations of club rats & manwhores in their natural setting tomorrow, so that means more posts along the lines of "'Bout to roll up in this club" or the Ladies Night part of "What a Week" .

Exciting stuff coming up hopefully, time to study...

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