Monday, March 10, 2008

What a week

By Thursday of this past week I had already deemed it the worst week of 2008 - getting sick for what seems like the 20th time this year already, having 3 major grade-determining papers due, fcking up my sleeping pattern even more, all on top of being tired from gyming it, school and work already.

I had also been working on a major project at work, which included putting together 3 extra-large binders of over 250 documents (all of which I had to find and copy individually, then put in date order), only to get the call that the case settled 30 minutes after I had finished on Wednesday. Not only did my work go down the drain, but it also made me put aside my usual work activities which are now piling up on my desk for me to catch up on next week. Great. But once all of that was out of the way, the rest of the week actually turned out pretty fun.

First there was Ladies Night on Thursday. We didn't really decide on where to go until about half an hour before we left; due to our lack of OC nightlife knowledge we headed to a strip of bars and clubs in Fullerton. If I had to sum up the crowd in a couple phrases it would be "30-year old single white males headed for a mid-life crisis" or "creepy gangster" type folk. Needless to say, Mel, Ang and I felt a little out of place. Some memorable lines of the night include:

-"Hey my name is Michelle...I'm Ashley...nice to meet you, I'm Karen" - Mel, Ang, Me

-"So ladies, there's 3 of us, and 3 of you guys, so when you're ready, we'll be waiting for our dances right over there" - the pudgier, not-as-cool, creepier of the three stooges

-After a loooong story about losing his glasses and boring shiet, the end was "So in the end I punched a tree" - the only other Asian and his friend (who happened to be from UCI too, figures)in the vicinity with no game whatsoever

-"Hey down to fck?" - random punk we passed crossing the street

Top tier, no?

This is the point in my post where I would probably rag on the guys we met and how lame their game was. But I'm not going to do that this time because in all honesty I just took it as good fun and it was damn entertaining. So to all the guys we ran to, thanks for the laughs and good times. I'm looking forward to the next ladies night, most definitely somewhere with a different vibe and different crowd just for a new experience.

What ensued when we got home at 198 was actually just as entertaining, but a little too gay for my taste. I guess "ladies night" for us coincides with "guys night in".

This is just a small sampling of the debauchery. I'd post the rest but then the guys would find a worse way to get back at me.

The week continued to get better when Saturday came up for Brent Bash '08 for Brent's 21st. Good Hawaiian BBQ, a snazzy place, drinks, friends, a keg, Rock Band, birthday cake all over the place, and awesome dancing girls - you couldn't ask for more. Now that it's finally the 10th, I can officially say Happy Birthday Brent! I hope you enjoyed your birthday even though I'm betting you don't remember a good portion of it haha.

Now looking back, I guess this past week wasn't the worst week afterall. I'm feeling better so I get to catch up on school and work this week, then finals for the next. Hooray. And for more pics click here.

1 comment:

adonis (old account) said...

those guys probably go to UCSG... (U.C. SALTY GAME)home of the salt shakers!