Monday, August 11, 2008

Puppy Love

Usually during my lunch break at work I don't have much to do except check my e-mail/myspace for 5 minutes, then for the other 40 minutes read mindless yet entertaining stories on ONTD. One of the entries I remember from last week was about Miley Cyrus (I speak of her on this blog way too much) and confessions about her first "real love(?)".

On how they got together: "We became boyfriend and girlfriend the day we met...He was on a quest to meet me, and he was like, 'I think you're beautiful and I really like you.' And I was like, 'Oh, my gosh, I like you so much.'"

On the ups and downs: "Nick and I loved each other...We still do, but we were in love with each other. For two years he was basically my 24/7. But it was really hard to keep it from people. We were arguing a lot, and it really wasn't fun."

On the heartbreak: "At first I bawled for a month straight. I was so sad. I just went into this weird funk. And I dyed my hair black. When we were dating, Nick wanted me to get highlights – and so I did that, and I got myself looking great. And then, on the day we broke up, I was like, I want to make my hair black now – I don't want to look pretty; I want to look hard-core. I was rebelling against everything Nick wanted me to be. And then I was like, I've got to be by myself for now, and just figure out who I really am."

I couldn't help but LOL as I read this from start to finish, and I really hate the fact that I'm using a Hannah Montana personal life story to segue into my topic for today, but it totally just reminded me of how freaking serious pre-teen/middle school crushes seemed to be back in the day. Like, deathly serious for some people. I might be laughing now at what Miley and the typical 14-year old has to say about being in love, but I didn't have anything more meaningful to say back then either.

One particular event I remember is from 4th or 5th grade during a game of dodgeball at recess. The boy I had a crush on at the time was playing with us, and my friends decided to take it upon themselves to make my feelings for him a little obvious. I don't exactly remember what was said, but back then I was super sensitive about boys and just having them knowing whether I liked them or not - all I remember was my face turning really hot and everyone laughing at me, including him! I'm sure it was nothing to them, but I was so mortified that I just ran to the bathroom and cried.

I was so mad at my friends that I wouldn't open the door when they were trying to talk to me from outside the stall, so they had to crawl under to finally get to me. I didn't let my tantrum die down until the bell rang and I cooled off back in my seat (giving my friends the cold shoulder of course), but that whole dodgeball debacle was pretty much forgotten within days. I ended up being good friends with that particular boy and looking back, the only thing I wish I could have changed was the way I embarrassed myself. Oh the good ol' days.

Then there was my first boyfriend, Boy #1, in middle school. I liked him pretty much throughout all of 6th grade since he was in most of my classes. When 7th grade started, I was still crushing on him, but he moved towards the middle of my "list" and I actually started liking one of his friends, Boy #2. Boy #2 and I pretty much became best friends that year, which meant we would talk everyday after school and he would tell me his girl situations then ask for my advice - story of my life until sophomore year.

Anyways, towards the end of 7th grade, I started hearing that Boy #1 actually started taking notice of me. Of course, I did the most logical thing (yeah right) and started crushing hard again on Boy #1 only because I heard he liked me, and pretty much ignored my feelings for Boy #2. The next most logical thing to do of course was for Boy #1 to ask me out to be his girlfriend the day before school ended. There were a lot of reasons why that situation only lasted a month - couldn't drive yet, didn't live close enough to walk, didn't have the same circle of friends, strict parentals - and I was devastated for the rest of the summer. The most embarrassing thing is crying over him even before we broke up when he told me he was moving away the next year. All I had at the time was my pillow to cry on and Monica's "Angel of Mine" on repeat, how pathetic.

So that was part of my love-life story before high school. Anyone else care to share?

P.S. I LOVE THE OLYMPICS! I didn't do much this weekend but this totally made up for it.


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