Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello '09

What is there to say about 2008? I don't really want to go into too much detail in this post about the ups and downs of the year for me, but what I can definitely say about '08 is that this year was an eye-opener. I think I've learned the most this year, academically, about others, and about myself. But for kicks, the stuff I can think off the top of my head (in no particular order):

The Good
I voted! Obama! Olympics opening ceremony and Michael Phelps. Everyone else turning 21 and doing 21+ grown-up thangs. Good grades. Las Vegas x2. Being more independent. Falling deeper in love. Reconnecting with old friends. Seeing Q-Tip, The Cool Kids, Pacific Division, Usher. 198 & co. adventures. Amazing year for movies in general. Turning 22. Asserting my convictions.

The Bad
Economy. Tons of notable & celebrity deaths. Prop 8. Losing my religion (ironically I'm still thinking this could be a blessing in disguise). Political/election drama. Working everyday of summer. And still ending up semi-broke by winter. Mediocre year for music, in my opinion.

2008 looked liked a great year for me by just comparing the highs and the lows, but I like to think that I had a bigger role than mere chance in the outcome. Besides, it takes the same amount energy to smile and count your blessings as it does to frown and dwell on your misfortunes, so why not just look on the bright side?

I'm not going to make any New Year's resolutions except for taking better care of myself. As long as it nourishes my body, mind, or heart, anything goes. On paper, it sounds rather narcissistic but I feel like by working on myself first, everything else should fall into place - I can take better care of others if I take better care of myself.

Work out. Don't eat too much junk. Read more. Keep an open mind. Forgive and accept more easily. Nurture the relationships you have. Learn to love more.

As for not having other real resolutions, I've noticed that probably only 1/10 of your initial resolutions still have importance by the end of the year. As I get older, I realize more and more what things are most important, and which others can play second fiddle to the real priorities. Although I don't know what 2009 has in store for me, I'm willing to put all my faith in God and the little idea I've been clinging to this year called balance - neither has failed me yet.

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