Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy 100th!

Between last-quarter-ever anxieties, putting in more hours at work, the laziness-inducing weather, and basically just figuring out what I'm going to do with my life, I haven't had a chance lately to just sit down and think things out for a minute. There's also the fact that I've been resorting to Twitter to post random, useless thoughts that don't warrant their own post, but I digress.  I saw that this would be my 100th post on this site (whoopee!) and I didn't have any grand idea deserving of this spot, so I guess it would just be best to look back on some of my favorite posts.

Unlike looking back at my old Xanga, I actually enjoy going back and reading through some of my old posts here haha.  From politics and religion to relationships and social commentary in general, I definitely solidified some of my views on  - or am on my way to figuring out - these topics during the past 100 posts.  I remember back in high school I was pretty indif
ferent to a lot of things, but thanks to my experiences in college, life, and just plain ol' growing up, I've been able to open my eyes arguably for the better.  

- Soulmates, Shmoulmates: One of my usual relationship wanks
The Sexy Post: My guide on how to be "Top Tier" lol
Wifey Skills According to Him:I'm not a fan of lists like this but it was fun to make it anyways

Feminism & Sexism:
Sex Sells, Female Chauvinism, Etc.: Thoughts about beauty standards, where to draw the line b/w sexy and trashy
Give Me a Break: Double standards FTL

Science & Religion: Contradictory or Compatible?: I was compelled to basically write an essay after taking my philosophy of biology class
Searching for Answers: A summary of where I stand right now in regards to religion in my life and how it's changed
They Say You Want a Revolution: Thoughts on these 2 subjects after one of our late night 198 talks

Politics/Civil Rights:
My Turn on Prop 8 Thoughts: An issue I was pretty passionate about this past year
Obama takes a step forward for women's rights and the abortion issue: Another touchy subject, I just wanted to get some information out there for people to think about

Thanks to all (probably around 3 haha) of my readers and people who have commented on my stuff, I really enjoy reading your commentary, criticisms and compliments! Here's to the next 100 posts *crosses fingers*