Monday, August 31, 2009

"But he's a nice guy!"

Now don't get me wrong, I love me some nice guys. There's nothing wrong with being a nice guy. They make great friends (I know, something nice guys hate hearing. But it's true!). And if I was single, I would probably take the nice guy next door any day over the quintessential bad boy - that is, if I had to choose and had no option of the perfect mix between the two, cuz y'all know me & my thing with balance.

Although some bad boys make it hard for a girl to choose...

However, I CAN'T stand it when dudes pull the "nice guy" card as if it cancels out other shortcomings, or even worse, when other people do it for that person. Being a nice guy does not automatically exempt you from other douche tendencies. There are many everyday examples of this curious dichotomy of likable & loser.

_The holier-than-thou guy whose preachiness is off the charts. You never feel like you're having a conversation "with" him because it always seems like he's talking "at" you about some shiet he thinks you could learn from. But he's a nice guy!
_The dude whose "Do-I-Sound-Like-An-Asshole-Right-Now?" awareness meter seems to be broken 24/7. One too many snarky comments here and there. But I'm sure he never means it, because he's a nice guy!
_Not the ego-inflated jerk, but rather the one whose self-deprecation is just too much to deal with. We all do it, but you know the guy that never stops? But he's a nice guy!
_The bigot. Self-explanatory. But he's a nice guy??

Take home message of the day: I still have love for nice guys! Just remember that it isn't some disguise or excuse to engage in some dickish behaviors.

Now go forth, and sin no more.


...RAWfiki said...

oh man i sure hope in NOT one of THOSE "nice guys". or am i EVEN a nice guy...what do you think miss? hahah

e[dot] said...

interesting take from a woman's perspective. love it.

Just Ray said...

raf your a nice guy..nice like farting underwater is kind of nice. And i like the do i sound like and asshole right now guy. I don't think i sound like and ass i just am one.

plus i think their is a huge difference between nice guys and good guys.

Kristine said...

Raf: Um you're not one of "those guys" period. Trust me, if I made a post directed towards you, you would know >;)

E-win: Like you said, I might have to go into more detail next time. I guess why not.

Ray: Def agree about the nice vs. good guys thing. Haha and for the 2nd one, I was thinking of some people I know that say THE most offensive/degrading things without even realizing it, but they do it with a smile of course.