Thursday, January 31, 2008

Top 10 Female Crushes

Inspired by the "Top 10 ______" game we played last night at 198, I decided to compile my own list of my top female crushes. We ladies always get to hear what the guys have to say so I thought I would change it up a bit. Besides, now's your chance to tell me what good (or bad) taste I have.
10. Kate Winslet

Not only is she beautiful but also incredibly talented. She broke the record for being the youngest person nominated for 2 Oscars at the age of 22; she continued to break the record for youngest person nominated for 3, 4, and 5 nominations as well. She also proves that you can be a mother and not Hollywood-standard skinny to be hot.

9. Alicia Keys

Every other female artist out there should take note of her. She keeps it classy - she's not running around in skimpy clothes and guys still go gaga after her. Oh yeah, there's the music thing too. Playing the piano has never seemed so cool.

8. Doutzen Kroes

She may not be as famous as Adriana or Alessandra, but Doutzen would definitely be my favorite Victoria's Secret model. She was voted 2005's Model of the Year on, and she is actually known for more than just her VS gig - Gucci, Calvin Klein, Versace, and more.

7. Kate Beckinsale

Definitely one of Britain's hottest imports to make it big in America.I can only hope to be as hot as Kate in my mid-30s after having kids. Plus kick ass like she did in Underworld and Van Helsing. One can dream, right?

6. Keira Knightley

Some people might find Keira a little too skinny for their tastes, but her bone structure is fcking amazing. She's pretty but she also has this edgy/attitude thing going on. She's one of those people I can imagine just hanging out and being sarcastic with.

5. Charlize Theron

Charlize is cool in my book because she is not afraid to get all un-glamourous and dirty to add real character to a movie role; this lead to her award-winning performance for Monster in 2003. After shedding the weight she gained for the role, she quickly returned to her classic beauty looks. It only it were that easy for the rest of us.

4. Jarah Mariano

Jarah is on here because she is freaking hot, plain & simple. If you don't know anything about her, she's one of the first Asian Victoria's Secret models (she's Hawaiian, Korean & Chinese) and was also featured in Jay-Z's video "Show Me What You Got". She only adds support to the mixed-women-are-hot notion. And I agree.

3. Natalie Portman

Brains, beauty, talent - what more could you ask for? A Harvard graduate with a degree in Psychology, she studied French, Japanese, German, Arabic, and Hebrew (which she is fluent in), and is also an animal rights activist. And I don't know anyone else that has rocked short hair to its fullest potential as much as she has.

2. Monica Bellucci

If the word "woman" needed a picture to accompany it in the dictionary, my vote would have to go for Monica Bellucci. Perfect face, perfect body, and she makes girls half her age (she's 39 btw) look so...insignificant. I need not say more.

1. Rachel McAdams

This girl can do no wrong in my eyes. She can do blond, brunette, red hair, even pink streaks (which she did rock for a while) and still be beautiful. She can do comedy, romance, thriller, and she can be likeable even when she's the biggest bitch on campus (Mean Girls FTW). She has a sane head on her shoulders and you don't hear about her making a fool out of herself like many actresses out there. AND she snagged Ryan Gosling? I can't help but love her.

When I get around to it I'll make a Top 10 guy post too, but this will have to suffice for now.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Science & Religion: Contradictory or Compatible?

For once I'm going to talk about school without complaining about how stressful the workload is or how I have trouble staying awake in class. This is because I actually have a great deal of interest in all of my classes this quarter. There's my Sociology class about what makes certain conditions social problems and how they come to be. My professor's pretty enthusiastic, plus we talk about stuff like the Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy and actually try to formulate some sort of useful conclusion about the situation - "isolated incident or social problem?" Interesting stuff... Then I have my International Studies class where I actually feel like I'm learning about things that are applicable to society today. Ever since AP Gov in high school I haven't done my best to keep up with global affairs - hopefully that will change. But what I really want to talk about is my Philosophy of Biology Writing class.

"If God cannot prevent evil, God is not omnipotent; if God can prevent evil but does not, God is not benevolent. But if God is both, and evil exists - how come?"

I honestly don't think that I've ever had to think so hard in one class. Not about formulas or pointless facts that I most likely will never have to apply to my life, but real critical thinking about faith, evolution, and religion, even to the point where I find myself questioning my stance on some of these issues. To be honest it's a little unnerving, the possibility of abandoning some convictions that I've held onto for a long time, but either way the outcome is what's best. Making sure I know why I choose to believe in something is what's most important to me, whether it's a set of new ideas or reinforcing my previous ones.

The basic premise of my class is the debate between evolution and Intelligent Design, which is pretty much the argument that God created the world but it's structured more scientifically, or so it tries to. In a nutshell, the way things are in the world, the great diversity of life, the nature of the world, all are credited to a higher power. One of the most important points of ID is that the designs and structures of organisms are so complex, they cannot have just arisen out of nowhere, so they must have been created by an "Intelligent Designer" (God is never mentioned throughout ID's theory). Furthermore, this Designer is omnipotent and benevolent, which helps to explain how the designs came to be so efficient for each specific creature. He's all-knowing because all organisms were designed perfectly to fulfill their role in nature, and benevolent because this Designer has human attributes, a personality.

An argument used for ID involves a rock and a watch. Say you were out walking and stumbled upon a rock. Your friend asks you, "How did that rock get there?" Most likely you're going to say something about how it's probably just been there all along, just as a part of the natural world. But if you stumbled upon a watch and your friend asked you the same question, you would be inclined to say that it must have come to be because someone made it - a watch wouldn't just come to exist out of nowhere. This is the same logic that advocates of ID use to justify the complex design of life in the world, most importantly humans.

My professor, Francisco J. Ayala (author of the book above that we use in class), argues that Intelligent Design is faulty within its own theory and isn't even compatible with religion as a whole. First there are the imperfections in the design of organisms, like the human appendix & vestigial tail that we grow as embryos (no function) and the blind spot in the eye, which can actually be considered harmful. If the Designer did create everything, and these flaws in design things exist, would he really be that all-knowing? Then take all the cruelty in the world, in the animal kingdom and even human pain & suffering. Is the Designer still benevolent if cruelties & disease exist in the world and were made to be that way? If that's so, ID would have to hold the Designer responsibile for real problems in a not-so-perfect world, like the fact that 20% of all human pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion within the first 2 months. Do supporters of ID really want to hold the creator accountable for such atrocities? What it comes down to is that ID cannot claim that a omnipotent and benevolent Designer is responsible for the design of the world if things such as cruelty, disease, pain & suffering are attributed to that same Designer.

The reason why the argument for evolution is so compelling is that it can account for all the "imperfections" of the world through Natural Selection. Evolution claims that all living organisms are descendants of one last universal common ancestor (LUCA). Unlike ID, evolution is a theory that you can test and observe, and since Darwin published the Origin of Species in 1859, more and more evidence has supported this theory - including discoveries in paleontology, comparative anatomy, biogeography, and most importantly molecular biology. The first skeptics of evolution questioned the notion that one species could evolve from another, but fossils of animal intermediates have been found since then, including ones providing the link between birds & reptiles, fish & amphibians, and most importantly chimpanzees and humans. If you were to compare the bone structures of a human arm, whale fin, a bat wing & other animals, you would be surprised to see how similar they all are to each other.

The best supporting evidence yet for evolution is molecular biology. The fact that all organisms, from bacteria to humans, are all made up of the same components (same nucleotides for DNA & proteins made of the same 20 amino acids) hints at a common ancestor from which we all diverged from. What are the chances of that if each species was supposedly created independently from each other? Differences in genetic information also correlate to how closely related 2 species are - there is only a 2% difference in genetic make-up of humans and chimps. Also, each protein is able to tell its own evolutionary history by tracing it through different organisms and observing the differences.

I really didn't intend for this entry to turn into some persuasive essay or anything. I could go on and on about evidence for evolution, which I personally believe in, but instead I'm going to cut straight to what I really wanted to say.

Sure, we might have heard all of this before about evolution and Intelligent Design, whatever. That's not even what gets me the most. The whole reason why I wrote this blog and the thing that I'm having the most trouble with is the idea that evolution, under science, and religion as a whole do not contradict each other at all and in fact compliment each other, according to my professor. First of all, it needs to be clarified that Intelligent Design proclaims itself as a scientific theory but it really isn't one because it cannot be tested with experiments or observation. It isn't compatible with religion either, because it cannot backup the existence of an all-knowing and loving God. But with that aside, I'm having trouble trying to fathom how evolution/science and religion can coexist without contradicting each other.

One reason why the science and religion supposedly compliment each other is that both cover 2 totally different realms of knowledge. Science deals with the physical world and nature where it can be either rejected or accepted through observation and experiment. Science has laws to explain how the natural processes of the world work. But outside of that world, science hold no authority; that's where religion comes in. It deals with phenomena that we can't observe with our senses, like morals & ethics; these are just as important as Newton's laws for physics or Mendel's for genetics. Religion gives meanings to the world in ways that science cannot. In other words, science & religion ask different questions and seek different answers.

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

I get the argument for this and the logic behind it, but I just have the hardest time applying it to my real life and just sorting this whole thing out. I believe in evolution 100%, but then there's the religious side of me, and both still seem like they are at odds with one another. I still feel like I have to compromise part of my Catholic upbringing in some way in order to accept evolution, and although I'm being told that it doesn't have to be that way, I'm still asking "HOW?". It's like, I know what I believe but I don't exactly know how to explain it, and that's what frustrates me...

Sorry for the all of the word vomit on this entry, but I felt that some things needed to be clarified and understood before I could even try to express my feelings about this subject. I hope I was able to convey where I'm coming from at this point. I usually don't get so worked about something, especially when it originates from school, but this class has really made me think and rethink things that I believe help shape a big part of who I am. Even if this whole entry flew over your head or you don't give a shit about this subject, I would at least recommend reading Darwin's Gift to Science and Religion for some real thought-provoking stuff. Thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I read celebrity gossip everyday, so I've had my share of scandals and pretty sensational stories. But I honestly have never felt so sick and shocked after hearing the news about Heath Ledger's death today. I've been such a big fan of his ever since I can remember. "The Patriot" is one of my favorite movies - I've probably seen it about 50 times and will never get sick of it. Not only was he a pretty face, but he had such a promising future. I imagined him as one of those actors who would keep making movies well into his 50's and 60's and only getting better with age. I even had a Heath Ledger folder on my computer before it crashed last year :/

Heath's death is just on the tail of another celebrity death, Brad Renfro. You may not remember him, but he was in "The Client" and "Tom & Huck" with JTT. Those were the good old days.

This is too reminiscent of the deaths of James Dean, River Phoenix, and Jonathan Brandis (another one of my childhood faves). Ugh this news is so depressing for me. I feel like parts of both my childhood and teenage years have died :(

One of my favorite scenes with Heath ever. R.I.P.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Last week I had 4 nights where I only had 3-4 hours of sleep and since then, I haven't been able to sneak in any naps or needed rest. Surprisingly, I haven't felt that sleepy in the mornings but rather I've woken up with a headache that usually goes away in 2 hours. I don't even stay up for the best reasons. It's not like I'm more productive or attempting to get more work done - it's more like wine/cheese nights, Cranium, prediction games, riddles, and good talks. Part of it also probably has to do with my new discovery of Vietnamese coffee (thanks a lot Lance). On this rate, getting everything that I need done this week is going to be quite the task. Especially since I haven't gotten into the rhythm of studying this quarter yet.

I don't know why I always put it off, you think I'd learn to improve from past quarters & start early, but it always ends up being the same thing; putting off everything until week 2, then trying to catch my ass up by isolating myself. Like my grandma tells me "Experience is the best lesson but also the most expensive one".

Another thing I've noticed is that I'm a major complainer on here. Most of my entries are either rants or just going off on things. That's probably another thing that I want to work on. I apologize in advance if I come off as a hater in upcoming posts, I'll make more of an effort to be more of an optimist. Or just be better about picking and choosing what to rag about (like the Charger loss and upcoming Superbowl :/). I just need to work on balance as a whole.

Right now would be a good start. Time for bed, work 9-5 in the morning.

P.S. Would people still be down for another Valentine's thing this year? I'm going to start thinking about that soon.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Honest to blog...

There are about 10 movies out right now that I really want to see, but I was able to catch 2 of them this week. The last time I did movie reviews it took me such a long time to write so I'm aiming for short & sweet this time.


What a cute movie. It's a nice break away from the condemnation and criticisms of teen pregnancy - not that I'm actually condoning it but I'm just saying it's something different from what we get shoved through our ears everyday (Jamie Lynn Spears anyone?). As a viewer, watching Juno's situation unfold with a more intimate perspective challenges some of the stereotypes that some people may have toward teen pregnancy in general; that could be a good or bad thing, depending how you look at it, but I left the movie thinking about totally unexpected things. Optomistic thoughts of family values, life, & love from a teenage pregnancy story probably don't sound like they should mesh together, but that's what I got out of it. A couple things that could have improved were the lines or dialogue that I felt were "trying" too hard to be quirky or hip. Take the title of this entry for example... Other than that, I would recommend anyone to see this movie. A-.


A picture from Cloverfield Clues &

The best way to enjoy this movie is to either: A) Come into the movie with no greater expectations besides wanting to see a solid monster movie, or B) Read and follow up on all of the outside information about this movie on the internet if you want a backstory (you won't get much from the movie). With that said, the marketing from this movie was AMAZING. You can find most of the links from the movie's viral campaigns at Cloverfield Clues - it includes "news" reports that cover events that culminate into the NYC attack, sites of companies that are relevant to the backstory of the monster, and myspaces of the characters in the movie. Even the comments that they leave each other lead up to what happens in the movie. JJ Abrams' team definitely went all out for this one. As for the actual movie, watching it was an experience in itself. Take some Dramamine before you go if you get motion sickness really easily or you just might puke. It was also really intense; I reacted alot to what was happening in the movie either with some face gesture or "omg" like I was a witness to some disaster unfolding in front of me. In summary, as first said, I think you can only really enjoy the movie coming into it with these specific mindsets. If you have been following the marketing campaigns, the movie will most likely validate your efforts. If you don't know anything about it, don't expect too many explanations but rather just go for the movie experience. B-.

Looking forward to: There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, The Orphanage, Atonement, & more

Monday, January 14, 2008

To flirt or not to flirt

Usually, the myriad of featured relationship or dating articles that appear across the top of Yahoo! or MSN aren't intriguing enough for me to move my hand even an inch and click on the link. Either that or I know that I can't possibly gain anything from reading them except some slight sense of confusion. Take for example "Seduction Dos & Don'ts" from Carmen Electra. Or "Dating a 'Crazy Cat Lady' ". Better yet "Good Man. Bad Shoes". I think I've made my point. But recently I came across this article that actually sparked a little bit of interest for me -

Why Flirting Can Help Your Relationship.

Before I go off on my usual rant, to be fair here are a couple reasons why the author believes this to be true:

Flirting Gives You Confidence
What flirting allows you to do is feel like you're impressing another person and being attractive to another person - without the baggage, stigma, and pressures of the next step. Bringing that sexual and romantic confidence back to your relationship helps you - and strengthens the relationship across the board.

Flirting Keeps You Sharp
Every once in a while, flirting can reinforce that primitive need of feeling valued. And that little innocent dialogue with some stranger in a bookstore may be all the kick-start you need to lose a little weight or change up your hair or whatever it is that you want to do to make yourself feel better about yourself. Which has benefits for everyone involved.

Flirting Lets You Build Up Sexual Energy
Some shrinks say it's OK to fantasize about anyone you want and build up a head of steam - as long as you, well, go ahead then and release that pent up energy with your partner.

Flirting Reminds You How Good You Have It
The fun of flirting is that there are no strings attached. Just some good ole banter with jokes, laughs, and some well-timed sexual innuendo. Fun at first. But when you think of the long process that comes after, it makes you realize that what you've got at home is exactly what you want.

The most probable reason why I felt compelled to read this story was because my first instincts were "OH HELL NO". In all honesty, who gives their significant partner a free flirting pass? I sure as hell don't know anyone. I mean I understand flirting when it just sorta just happens because you're being nice to someone and whatever; I'm taking about the cases where it's totally unintended. But I can't grasp the idea of purposely going out and flirting with people so that you feel better...about your relationship? Can anyone try to convince me otherwise?

The author does have some validity in his points, but overall I sense a recipe for disaster. Someone who is used to flirting without feeling guilty at all will be less likely to see the repercussions from doing this habitually. Each time it happens it's another potential disaster in the making. Why intentionally open your relationship to something that could break it apart? Friendly small talk - we all know how it starts...

Even if you trust your partner 100% and there's no way that they would ever do anything to jeopardize things, there's always the person on the other end. You may have no intention of furthering the conversation into anything more than some laughs and casual chit chat, but the other person doesn't know that. Sending mixed signals in any situation to any person almost always complicates things more than they need to be.

I'm not trying to say flirting is evil or you should never do it, but I wouldn't go so far as to promote it. I think if you feel the need to flirt with other people, maybe it's your relationship that needs some work.

Agree? Think I'm uptight? Those thoughts and others are welcome for comments :]

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Starting with a bang

Winter quarter has finally started to kick in today. Buying books online ( is the way to go), planning the weekly schedule for the quarter, trying to find classes & the like make up a now all-too familiar quarterly kick-start, an attempt to get my ass back into school mode. However, I feel like the beginning of this quarter sneaked in a little too fast because this past weekend was just straight up FUN.

After I found out I had the day off last Friday, 198 & crew immediately concocted plans to take over the world (aka L.A./Hollywood for the day) - and when those plans fell through, we resorted to Roscoe's in Long Beach instead. Not a bad choice I must say. In fact, I never fathomed fried chicken & waffles to be so delectable - together. If I had any doubts at first, I was sold after a couple bites. The strip club-like pink lights and overly friendly manager - Mel & I are both "baby" according to him haha - also help add character to this beloved soul food joint.

The 'Scoes #1

The rest of Friday alternated between mock cocktail-making trials (what a tongue twister), Rock Band, taste testing, and Cranium. But the real highlight of the weekend was the 198 Cocktail Party on Saturday. To make this quick, thanks to everyone who came, I hope you guys had fun. Well by the looks of my pictures, I'm pretty sure about that haha. Also thank you to my fellow 198 peeps for helping set up, pitching in for the supplies, and my cool new LT jersey and H&M card! In the end, wanting to do something a little different from the usual resulted in pretty much a full bar at 198, good times with friends, and damn funny pictures of everyone. I posted all of the pictures on my Myspace but you can get better quality ones from my Multiply site.

Bringing sexy back.

On a totally different note, will someone please refer me to some new good music to listen to? I have most of the "popular" songs that are out right now on my iTunes, but I always end up resorting to my dependable playlists of oldies and classics (think Queen, Earth Wind & Fire, and other stuff that I will never get sick of). Maybe it's just me but the music scene right now is just not cutting it. Take R&B for example. The days when Boyz II Men & Babyface would serenade their way into every girl's heart are long gone. While the whole debate about whether hip-hop is dead remains in the forefront, R&B has withered away in the background. And who will be its saviour? Chris Brown? I like him, but I don't know about that. Ne-Yo? Good start, but still a little early to tell though. Usher? I've been long awaiting his comeback but after hearing this horrendous new track I've opted to save myself from disappointment and keep my expectations low. Really low. Like boots with the fur low.

Anyone else hear rubber duckies being raped?

And I will personally punch anyone in the face who has dubbed T-Pain the new king of R&B. Hooks, yes. R&B? Blasphemy.

Friday, January 4, 2008

She did it again

Wow, if I thought 2007 was a year for celebrity gossip (Lindsay Lohan's list of problems, Anna Nicole's death, & the Vanessa Hudgens scandal just to name a few), 2008 might give it a run for its money already. It's only the 4th day of the year and Britney Spears is already making the headlines with more of her crazy antics. Apparently, Brit wasn't ready to hand her kids over to K-Fed when her time with them was over, and before you know it there are helicopters, police cars & ambulances surrounding her house. She was then taken to Cedars-Sinai hospital against her will because she was declared a "danger to herself & others". There are speculations of her being under the influence of an unknown substance around her kids, so who knows where this is going.

It's 4:16 AM & there's no way I'm staying up for this so check ONTD for updates. I know this isn't some life-changing story but A) I have a thing for celebrity gossip, B) I don't know enough about the Iowa caucuses to post on those right now & C) It's freaking 4:16 AM and there's nothing else to post about.

More life-relevant posts later. Gnight.