Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dear Disney,

I was right there with you during the Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair fiasco. You reprimanded her for a photoshoot which was inappropriate for someone her age and with her being in the spotlight with so much influence over your viewers (or more importantly, being one of your most important cash cows), you made sure she would make better decisions to uphold her image as a "role model".

An even older example of Disney starlets gone wild is the BBV scandal, which I'm sure I don't really need to say much about. But you didn't really say anything about that, and at the time I thought I could let this slide as well.

So I was really surprised to hear that you play the new Jesse McCartney video on your channel. Haha, Jesse McCartney, harmless right?

First of all, one of the opening shots is of the girl in the video with her pants already unbuttoned. Then there's the laying on top of each other on the bed, untying of the bra, fooling around in the back of the car, the obvious sexual tension throughout the entire video...

If you're going to give Miley Cyrus shit about her pictures (I'm not even a huge fan of her), then at least don't half ass it and actually impose your "wholesome only" policy to everything else on the network. I don't think of myself as a prude and hell I even like the song - in a guilty pleasure sorta way of course - and I don't have a problem with the video, but I do have a problem with it playing on your channel if you're going to be a hypocrite about it.

Sometimes I think trying to shove this wholesome image down our throats just backfires. Take for example Disney stars such as the Jonas Brothers and Selena Gomez openly talking about their purity rings and how they are saving themselves for marriage. I think if you want to wait until marriage to have sex, than by all means go for it, props to you for standing by your beliefs. But to have 12 year olds make a purity pledge and talk about it in public? First of all, no 12-year old needs to be thinking about this sort of stuff anyways. Making a 12-year old promise on a decision about an issue they don't even really know about doesn't make sense to me. Second of all, especially if you're a pre-teen, no one needs to know your business about your sex/lack-of-it life. Making your stars talk about such issues only sexualizes them more in my eyes. But whatever, it's as if it's in your guys' contract to say this stuff.

No love,

1 comment:

...RAWfiki said...

i give this a unity clap. good read, YEAH FUCK YOU DISNEY!

ey lets go to disneyland this summer haha