Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Reason #58 Why I'd Still Be Reluctant on Having Kids...

Daaamn. If I ever did that to my parents, it would either be my dad's belt across my ass or my mom's tsinelas across my face. Seriously though, how do parents even let their kids get to this level? I do have to note though that this mother lost her daughter 3 years ago to brain cancer, and I guess this is the boy's way of lashing out to get the attention that was always directed to his sister. But still, I would not have taken that bitchslap as easily as she did.

My parents never really hit me as a kid, but I would not be reluctant to administer some good ol' spanking to my kids if they tried to pull something even close to this. I know some people would be quick to scream "child abuse" but really, I know enough people that grew up where that was a form of punishment (including some family members) and they turned out perfectly fine lol. Besides, spanking a little kid does not equate to beating or teaching that "violence is the key", in my opinion. I'm tired of seeing little brats in the grocery store/mall with parents who cannot enforce any discipline upon their kids whatsoever.

Although I don't need to worry about kids for a while, my worst nightmare would be waking up one day and realizing I brought up a monster like this one:

*edit: WTF great minds think alike I guess LOL


Just Ray said...

I never really got hit when i was young either except when i was a lot younger with a belt n shit, but when i have kids i prolly would beat their ass for just comn home late if my kid hit me his ass would be dead

artemio said...

*points 2 fingers to eyes, then points them at your eyes*

I see what you're doing here you.

Haha, really though, great minds do think alike. But someone told me moron's think alike.

Really, really though. I was pondering a lot about our generation and it's self-centeredness / lack of compassion towards other people, and boom there you post it.

As for me though, I don't think that makes me reluctant on having kids, it just makes me weary that as a parent, I can go soft, and gotta lay the sintoron once in a while. I ALSO think that these kids have problems because there parents don't show them enough love, word to Joey from the Real World. Ahh, soo much to write on this subject.