Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another sane solution from the GOP

GOP Congressional candidate Tom Mullins on putting landmines on the U.S.-Mexico border. And he doesn't sound like he's joking:

"We talk about a border fence and really what we get down to is its very difficult to have a fence and have that work. But we have some low-cost, low-tech solutions. And I know it sounds crazy, but we have -- we used to have land mines. I know it sounds like a crazy thing. But if we wanted to stop -- if we, have an attack on the United States, a nuclear attack, and we find that they carried the nuclear weapon and the people, the people who harmed us came across the border and we say, 'We have got to secure the border,' we could put land mines along the border.

I know it sounds crazy.

We could put up signs in 23 different languages, if necessary. And we could put up some barbed wire and say, 'We are securing the border. If you want to cross the border, you cross legally. You cross through the areas where we have our border patrol agents, where we have the checkpoints, and so you follow the law.'"

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