Friday, December 5, 2008

Deal breakers

Although I've been out of the dating scene for a while now, I'm pretty sure that everyone - myself included - has a list of deal breakers where there is simply no room for compromise for certain issues. You know, those things you find out about someone that make you go from "damn this guy/girl is pretty dope" to "oh, what the - are you serious?". For me now, it's more applicable to new guy friends as opposed to potential suitors, but anyways here are a few of mine that I would enforce if I were single (it will be obvious that some of these are less serious than others but all are important to consider):

_He already has kids.
I have nothing against guys who are trying to balance their lives with the responsibility of being a parent. I'd just rather not deal with the baggage that comes with it. And crazy baby mamas.

_Lil' Wayne is one of his top 5 favorite artists.
That's The gap in musical tastes - and who knows what else - would be of epic proportions and too great to connect the two of us. As Lance likes to say, "You can't explain bad taste to someone who has it".

_Potent B.O.
Do I need to explain this one? I like getting close and being affectionate, so please don't make me hold my breath everytime you lean in for a kiss.

_History of cheating
People make mistakes and learn from them. But I just don't need something like that always lingering in the back of my mind.

_"Bitches, sluts, hoes, etc." are part of his normal vocabulary.
I have to admit I've met guys who have done this within the first 10 minutes of meeting them. It's amazing how much respect I will lose for a guy when he starts talking about these "ugly, fat bitches" to his friends not too long after the initial "Nice to meet you Kristine".

_Doesn't like sushi
I enjoy my tempura shrimp rolls, plum wine and Japanese restaurants way too much.

_Flaunts their "intelligence" too much
This is for those people who are constantly correcting others and like to state random facts to prove how smart they are. They may also have the tendency to use complicated, long words just for the sake of it when it is totally unnecessary. Just say no to pretentious pricks.

_Does not tip
Not only is it rude, but I hate being embarrassed in public, on top of the second-hand embarassment for the guy. If you don't have money to dish out a decent tip, don't plan on dining out period.

_Annoying myspace/facebook profile pictures
Applicable if the majority of their pictures are: shirtless poses, myspace angles, altered by 2+ effects, shots of their body w/o the face, throwing up too many gang signs, etc. etc. Also known as trying too hard.


e[dot] said...

on the flip for the musical taste.

females who enjoy shit like PCD, Britney Spears, Rihanna and also Lil Wayne, T-Pain, (club music ALL OTHER HOURS OF THE DAY)

Anonymous said...

Second-hand embarrassment is my weakness.

And I confess that I totally stalk the guy I potentially like on facebook/myspace and if he has photos, as you described, it's seriously a DEAL BREAKER. It speaks a lot about his character..ha
