Thursday, December 25, 2008

O Holy Night

Happy holidays everyone, I don't have much to say except that I hope everyone's enjoying their break and time with family and friends. I wish it didn't take the "holiday spirit" for people - me included - to get back in touch with some old friends to catch up on the past couple months, or even years in some cases.

BnB and Me (the forever tag-alonger) at the annual dinner

Sundance/Mesa Verde Reunion. We've been through it all haha.

Vegas trip with 198 & friends. Taking advantage of our last winter break together :/

Happy holidays from my family to yours

Listening to the homily during today's mass reminded me why I'll still put my faith and trust in God despite this religious funk I've been in. I know lately I've been having inner conflicts with religion in general and understandably so, but I can still wholeheartedly acknowledge that having God in my life fills this inexplicable void that cannot be fulfilled by anything else. I may have lost faith in organized religion and the ability of people to be understanding and accepting towards others, but faith in my God has never swayed and I don't think it ever will.

All I ask is that as the end of the day draws near and you look at all the gifts you've received, if you ask yourself, "Is that all there is? Could there be more? Do I have enough?", look past all the gift wrap and fancy decor and remember what Christmas is really about: honoring the birth of Jesus Christ. Religious or not, I think we all can benefit from seeing the beauty and wisdom within his teachings.

Merry Christmas<3

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