Saturday, February 23, 2008
Piece of Mind
Random Thoughts of the Day
1. I haven't felt 100% in a couple weeks and now I feel like I'm getting worse and more sick. Looks like a Saturday in for me today, damnit. I seriously can't wait until winter season is over so I can stop feeling crappy for once.
2. I mean this in the least egotistical way possible: If there's one thing that I wish I was more acknowledged for, it would be for people to recognize my smarts. Not necessarily because I think I'm a genius or that intelligence should be the top priority in one's life, but I think it's more that females in general don't get recognized enough in this area. For once it would be nice to listen in on guys' conversations about girls and hear them talk about her mind more than...other things.
3. If I applied the time playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band to trying to learn an actual instrument, I probably would be really good at it by now. That's just something for myself to think about the next time I'm looking for a new hobby.
4. It's super annoying when string cheese doesn't actually break in straight lines. What's the point in eating it if it's going to get all chunky on you? Might as well buy the block kind.
5. I thought about all those times when I'd hear girls say how so many guys they meet are only about getting some. But I wonder if they would say the same thing if they ended up dating a guy that doesn't appreciate sex at all. It doesn't even have to be sex really, but even affection and intimacy. How lame would that be, I would be so pissed.
6. OMG I'm so excited for the Lost episode next week. Desmond episodes >>> any other episodes in my opinion. *Spoilers* ----> And what the heck did they do to Claire for Aaron to end up with Kate? I personally think that the people who don't eventually make it off the island don't die but decide to stay on the island instead. Because if not and they kill off Claire, that would be a seriously heartless move on the writer's behalf. Heartless!
7. I still really want to see Step Up 2. Dunno, I guess I'm just a sucker for those movies. I'm not expecting too much from the plot but as long as no one's little brother gets shot midway through the movie again I can tolerate it. And to think I snuck in to see You Got Served when it came out...
8. Feminist: one who advocates the social, political, and all other rights of women to be equal to those of men. That being said, it's a pretty big fallacy to give "feminist" this negative connotation that it really doesn't deserve. Maybe more specifically it's that people only think in extremes - it's either the militant feminist who believes that women shouldn't wear heels or dresses, wear make-up, shave their legs, should be subject to the draft if it ever comes back, and literally live their lives with no huge differences from the lives of men, or it's the bimbo who really doesn't give 2 shits about sex discrimination, abuse or the advancement of women's rights at all. There really is a middle ground, folks. Call me a feminist, I won't get offended.
9. Christian Bale is so fine. I think I need to put up a new poster on my wall next to my Pirates one. Or a Daniel Henney one. The latter is highly unlikely though, I don't think he's popular enough to even have posters made of him. But word is that he's cast in the new Wolverine movie as Agent Zero. Niiice.
10. You know what I really want? It would be sooo fun to go on a double date with other people. No third wheel stuff, but with an actual couple. But I have no idea if that's going to be a reality anytime soon *sigh*
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Another one of those nights
P.S. I've come to the conclusion that the default hottie this year on American Idol is David Hernandez because all the other contestants look like little boys.

P.P.S. Happy 5 years and 2 months Rawfiki
Thursday, February 14, 2008
So now that I got the obligatory sappy love stuff out of the way, happy valentine's day everyone! Not only is it a day of love and more excess spending, but it's Thursday which means another episode of Lost, siiick. So now here's some Valentine's love for you with my 3 favorite reasons for watching Lost.

And of course, Valentine's Day wouldn't be complete without a mixtape of your favorite love songs. Here's my favorite version Youtube style with Gabe Bondoc and Leejay & Lori.
Monday, February 11, 2008
'Bout to roll up in this club...
Anyways, probably the craziest and most fun part of last week was my first club experience being 21 for Mel's 21st at On Broadway event center downtown. I don't even remember the last time I went clubbing, so with that plus the whole being 21 thing I was pretty excited for this. Yeah, I get to buy stuff from Albertson's by myself now and order drinks at restaurants and whatnot, but I hadn't used my 21-status to get into a restricted place yet.
We got in line a couple minutes before 10pm, and little to my surprise the bouncer took just a little more time inspecting my ID compared to the others before us. While Alan was given a "happy belated birthday man" after being carded, I got about a quadruple-take on mine and asked to recite my birthday and address. Still, not as embarassing as dinner at Ra Sushi; our server already checked the 7 or so IDs at our table, only to come back a couple minutes later to take just mine to the back and scan it.
So once I got in the club I felt like a total noob because I didn't know jack about the ordering process. Due to lack of funds I only got a Tokyo Iced Tea ($12!) and a Monster/Vodka (cuz it was cheap). I'll try to be more prepared for the next outing. As for the whole night, just being with the girls made it super fun. It's totally possible to not be single and still have a good ass time at the club haha.
More pics here.
While I can appreciate when a guy comes up to me and tries to start conversation - flattery is always a good ego boost once in a while - I really don't understand the whole "club mentality" of a lot of guys out there. Boys don't take this personal, I'm talking generalizations here. To help you guys out with what I'm talking about, I came up with a helpful list:
What NOT to Do When Trying to Pick Up Females At the Club
-If a girl makes it blatantly obvious that they aren't that interested in talking to you (i.e. you've been standing 2 feet away from her for 3 minutes and she still avoids looking at you), don't yank her arm to try to get her attention. That's just rude. In fact don't do anything remotely close to physical force, even in the slightest bit; do it to the wrong girl and you just might get a smack in the face in return.
-When the hell did cat calls ever work to a guy's advantage? Probably never. So no use in trying now. It just makes you look really creepy and desperate. Honestly. If it has, maybe you guys just happen to run into girls that throw themselves at guys' feet. But that doesn't go for the 99% rest of us.
-If you notice that everytime you try to get close to that one female she just happens to find a way to not cross paths with you, it's probably not just a coincidence. We have our ways, we work in teams to get this done.
-I've already mentioned the physical force thing, but inappropriate touching in general is a no-no. I'm not talking dirty dancing cuz that's mutual and hey some girls enjoy that stuff I guess. But once you try to get your hands on a female that you're not dancing with...that you're not even talking to...that you don't even know...that just happens to pass you're a fcking perv.
-This doesn't really just apply to the club in general, but guys that act like they are God's gift to women. Yuck. I just wanted to throw that one out there.
-In conclusion, guys should just follow the same common sense that us girls have been told many times. If the signs aren't there - she doesn't flash a smile at you, no eye contact, tries to avoid you at all costs - she's just not that into you!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Time flies
Speaking of cutting down on things, today marks the beginning of the Lenten season. This is the 3rd year in a row that I've done this, but it was always been successful for me - no shopping for clothes for a while. I cheat a little with being able to buy accessories and shoes, but if you know me cutting back on clothes is not some easy task for me. Hopefully this way I can save a little money for other things that I've been wanting to buy, like some DVDs or new books (yes, I will admit that I read for fun). If anyone has any recommendations on good books I will gladly consider.
I finally finished reading Darwin's Gift to Science and Religion, the subject of that almost voluntary argumentative paper that I wrote a couple blogs down. A couple more of my questions have been answered since finishing this portion of my philosophy of biology class. I think it's pretty ironic that a class that has made me really decipher the boundaries and differences of science and religion has ultimately strengthened my faith, at least I'd like to believe to. In the upcoming weeks look out for another monstrosity of a blog if I am equally compelled to write one about our next subject - morality and ethics.
I almost went through the upcoming month in my head without thinking about Valentine's Day at all. As of now, it seems that there are too many other things going on, so another V-day dinner this year may have to be postponed for some other occasion. But if anyone else feels like putting something together, then by all means go for it.
And in honor of Valentine's Day, here is a little video that my brother and his friends did for a media project. This is for all you "Dorky Valentines" out there to enjoy. Happy February!