Saturday, May 24, 2008
Nothing to Write About
Someone/something inspire me please. For now here's something for kicks -
(9:44:45 PM): hey
(9:45:39 PM): hey
(9:45:53 PM): how u doin
(9:46:00 PM): wassup
(9:46:02 PM): hw
(9:46:02 PM): im aiight
(9:46:06 PM): just got back from practice 20 min ago
(9:46:07 PM): oh deng
(9:46:11 PM): you must be tired
(9:46:14 PM): yeah as always
(9:46:14 PM): lol
(9:46:21 PM): but im pretty used to it now
(9:46:28 PM): where do u go for ccd
(9:46:29 PM): our lady mt. carmel
(9:46:32 PM): i used to go to good sheperd tho
(9:46:35 PM): back in the day
(9:46:57 PM): ohh ic ic
(9:47:04 PM): cuz my unce lives in mm
(9:47:06 PM): so i actually go there alot
(9:47:10 PM): ey did my friend say that i like long walks on the beach
(9:47:19 PM): hahaha
(9:47:21 PM): yeah
(9:47:22 PM): he told me to call u nips
(9:47:24 PM): thats what i call my cousin
(9:47:27 PM): lol
(9:47:29 PM): hahaha ohh
(9:47:30 PM): that thing about the beach, haha not true, haha no car to get there
(9:47:33 PM): wait
(9:47:38 PM): whens your bday
(9:47:44 PM): xmas eve
(9:47:48 PM): whoa kewl
(9:47:55 PM): oh man thats like tight
(9:47:58 PM): kinda cuz i usually get one present from people
(9:48:01 PM): but its all good
(9:48:05 PM): ohh i guess
(9:48:06 PM): whens urs
(9:48:08 PM): aug. 13
(9:48:08 PM): ahh icic
(9:48:14 PM): oh b4 i forget can i get your number
(9:48:19 PM): suure
(9:48:19 PM): 5**-****
(9:48:23 PM): im usually home around 4 on days i have off
(9:48:26 PM): aight
(9:48:31 PM): so i can call you tomorrow around say 5ish
(9:48:33 PM): suure
(9:48:35 PM): ill prolly be doing hw or whatever
(9:48:38 PM): did ****** ever tell you i was bald
(9:48:40 PM): haha
(9:48:46 PM): no lol he didnt say nething like that
(9:48:47 PM): haha aiight, i think it looks aiight i need a second opinion
(9:48:49 PM): like i was bald during the summer
(9:48:52 PM): ic
(9:48:54 PM): im thinkin about cutting my hair
(9:48:57 PM): or doing something with it it's boring
(9:49:11 PM): i think your hair looks fine
(9:49:17 PM): aw thanx
(9:49:25 PM): we'll see tho
(9:49:25 PM): nothing drastic
(9:49:27 PM): well i think i gtg now
(9:49:29 PM): aiight
(9:49:30 PM): g'night
(9:49:31 PM): and sweet dreams
(9:49:33 PM): u too :D
(9:49:34 PM): l8ter
(9:49:38 PM): later
Thursday, May 15, 2008
They Say You Want a Revolution
-This has been on my mind for a while, but I honestly think that if I only had one thing to strive for in life, it would be balance. I think as we go through life, ultimately what we're trying to find is a happy medium in every aspect of our lives - balance within relationships and time/energy for yourself, balance between work and play, balance between striving for more in life and being happy with/working with what you already have, etc. A reason why I believe the search for balance is important and actually works is that it applies to everyone, yet at the same time the right "balance" for one person is completely different from the next. From now on I don't think I'm necessarily going to go after what I perceive is "happiness" or "success" because I believe as long as I have that right balance in my life, all of those things should just fall into place somehow. This means trying to view the decisions in my life not in just black or white, but rather try to see the spectrum that lies between. I'm really hoping this makes sense.
-Everyone in our discussion last night pretty much identified themselves as Catholic, but all of our views on religion could not be any more different. Somewhat going along the lines of trying to find balance in my life, I often find myself in an inner conflict between the rules and traditions I was brought up with in the church and my views on religion and the world that I've garnered mostly in my college years. Then sometimes I think no matter what, religion serves its purpose for me regardless of what I believe - in the big picture, the minor discrepancies between my beliefs and what Catholicism says I "should" believe in don't really matter. My religion has still taught me to be a forgiving person, has given me a basis for my moral ground, and maybe most surprisingly, has reiterated the most that I'm human, I make mistakes and that it's okay. That's why I don't understand how people can be so close minded and judgmental of a person just because of their religious views, or even lack of them. Whatever works for you, you know?
-As for the people in our generation, I think a large part of why we're seen as indifferent to important issues in the world or even seen as just plain stupid is that we really haven't had to experience hardships like those before us; we haven't had to endure civil rights movements, serve in world wars, suffer great depressions, etc. In one way, that's a great thing because I'm sure our grandparents and ancestors did what they had to do so that our lives wouldn't be as difficult as theirs. But at the same time, I just wish it didn't take a global crisis or something to personally affect our lives before we realize how good we really have it. If there was something our generation is lacking in, I would say compassion. Too many people are seriously invested in BS nowadays, I wouldn't have such a big problem with it as long as, at the same time, they could open their eyes and just acknowledge the hardships that people from other parts of the world go through everyday. It's so easy to complain about how your parents haven't bought you the latest gadgets when you don't think about the single mothers in war torn countries struggling to put food on the table *sigh*
Monday, May 12, 2008
And just because she's the HBIC & I love her -
Thursday, May 8, 2008
is the worst game ever.
Bigtoe licking hair flossing kimchee juice downing wet willy giving highlighter tongue-ing in the armpit ice cubing feet smelling unknown refrigerator substance drinking body hair gelling FUN.
And fck actual spoons, we play with quarters.
Sorry it's been a long day, this is what I feel like right now:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I Need a Breather
I feel like I've just been going and going nonstop for most of the past 2 or 3weeks. First there's been the usual homework and studying, plus a 2-week stretch in which all of my midterms fall in (last one tomorrow, thank God). Luckily I've managed to commit just enough time to study for my tests and so far I've done really well, hopefully tomorrow will be icing on the cake. Then a little over a month until finals; I really hate all of you right now with away messages like "Working on my last project!" or "___ more days until summer officially starts!" As for my summer, I'll be spending most of it in Irvine working at my current office, then towards the end of August or so I'm gonna try to look for a job that actually involves my major. I'm still undecided on whether or not I'm going to take summer classes.
Another thing I've done the past month is hit up more clubs and hotspots than I have during the other months of the year so far combined. First there was House of Blues in Downtown Disney for Best of Both Worlds. Thanks to Vicky and Debbie again for the hospitality, you guys are always awesome hostesses. The actual event was alright, waaay too many people and it was hard to stay in a group so it ended up only being Raf and me for most of the night, plus the DJ sucked. It was too hard to get around without getting humped by people on both sides of you; I made the most of the night but I had more fun last year. I'd still be down to go next time if the venue is right.
Ladies at preparty before HOB
Level 3 in Hollywood
was the next stop last Thursday for Annie's birthday. After getting lost, having to cut in a looooong line, lying about being in "Hip Hop Congress" to get inside, and some guest list complications, we finally made it inside only to be a surrounded by a "super-AZN" crowd (according to Mel). The music was a little better than HOB, but they stopped everything for about half an hour for a "lingerie show" on stage. I was expecting some decent models to come out with some cute outfits, but instead the girls looked like they were picked right off of UCI's campus and let me tell you they were not fierce at all. Not too many creepers in the place, except for one guy who kept trying to get me to go onstage to dance with him. After he said "What, am I not cute enough for you" I seriously just wanted to laugh in his face. Fellas, please don't ever use a line like that unless you KNOW you have the looks to back it up aka you better be a 10, otherwise it just makes you look really pretentious/stupid.Waiting in line in front of 500 people
And finally, this past Saturday was Belo in Downtown for the 24th birthday of Jackie's sister, Tiffanie. Overall it had good music, a good crowd, nice decor, and overall I had a really good time reuniting with the girls. I think part of the reason why I liked the aura so much was that it was 21 and up, it's still a little weird for me seeing 18 year olds get down in the clubs, I don't know. I would definitely hit this place up again. Anyone down? Haha.
Although not exactly a club environment, honorable mention would go to Sushi, Sake & Karaoke night at Brent's the day after HOB. I wasn't even planning on having fun that day but wow, I didn't know OC housewives could be so fun. Plus free sushi, sake, mochi ice cream and dancing? It really doesn't get any better than that. I also came across 2 new ultimate favorites of mine - Kinsen Plum Wine (only $4.99 at Bevmo!) and this:

Lychee Sake by Hana. Heaven in a glass.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
"Them Chickens is Ash, and I'm Lotion"
"I'll Be There" Unplugged feat. Trey Lorenz (what happened to him anyways?)
And now this is what has become of the great Mimi. This performance was doomed from the beginning with the backing track mess, then the backup singer fiasco, and to top it off she sounds like shit during the entire song. Lol, "stop singing mah part now, baby" is gonna be my new catchphrase.
As if the dismal state of her voice isn't enough, there's speculation that she went ahead and married her boyfriend-of-one-month Nick Cannon. WTF. Girl, I hope you get your act together, I'm still pulling for you.
On a final note, lately I've seen too many new groups deliver subpar acapellas on radio & tv appearances. Every single one of them needs to take notes from these guys.