So it's official - in less than 2 weeks, I start the next chapter in my life as a fulltime working woman.
Hello to more moola & all that comes with it, including more responsibility. I think I did pretty well in college managing my finances, but now it's time to get serious. I will do my best to try & refrain from splurging on unnecessary luxuries, even though I'll have some leeway since I won't have too much to pay for while I'm living at home; I need to keep my focus on establishing my own place instead of designer purses or more clothes that I won't have room for in my closet anyways. Although I do need to revamp my daily wardrobe to business casual attire. Fun.

Then there's the hard part: goodbye. To lazy summer days. Spontaneous weekday adventures. Sleeping in. Real vacations. Not doing anything because I feel like it. Wasting any free time that I have. Gah I just I don't get burned out too fast. Wish me luck.
It's funny how I've just been dying to land this job for the last couple weeks and now that I finally did it, I focus not on what I'll be gaining but rather what I'll have to give up. It's that damned if you do, damned if you don't feeling. Haha but really, I'm not complaining. Time to conquer my next mountain...

Oh and if you're wondering where I'll commence my journey into the "real world", it's here.