Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I'm the worst storyteller
For a few reasons. First of all, I can't verbally articulate for shit (which is why I like blogging/writing). It's really weird. If you compare stuff I'd say in real life to posts you'd find on here, you probably wouldn't make the connection that it's coming from the same person. In my opinion at least. I'm sure my poor public-speaking abilities have swayed my first impressions more towards "ice queen" and away from "zomg let's be friends!" I love it when it someone decides we're finally cool (for lack of a better word), so they don't feel so bad about tearing down my first impression. Yeah, I know I don't charm the pants off people right away. No, I can't help it if my default face is "bitch" (can't stand the term, but again, for lack of a better word).
The simpler explanation for being a sucky storyteller is the boring content. What can I say, drama-free's the way to be. But an epic blowout with your boyfriend would make for good conversation. Just once, Raf. We work things out pretty fast anyways.
Case in point:
"Well, I didn't mean to scratch his face that hard. Anyways, a few seconds after I left the room I heard the crash against the wall"
"He was fuming. The windshield just looked like a giant spiderweb"
"Swear to god I was gonna walk away from everything at that moment. I couldn't handle this shit anymore"
"It must've been 55 mph when he jumped out of the car. I didn't even notice until I saw him rolling in the rearview mirror"
And what about you Kristine?
"Um, we just didn't talk for a few days?"
Monday, July 19, 2010

Watch it. All I'm gonna say.
For those that have seen it, I'm loving all the theories that people are coming up with - like this one (I don't really agree with it, but it's an interesting read nonetheless).
Lastly, the suits galore in this movie were a definite bonus.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
It's Friday, I'm in...pain?
I always feel like such a lame-o every time I'm the first person who decides to go home from kicking it ("yup-yup", haha). But by the time Friday night rolls along, I feel like I just can't hang anymore. I'm obviously doing something wrong because it's gotten exponentially worse in the past month or so. My body's achy 24/7, and I struggle to keep my energy at a functional level by midday. There's always the weekend to try to recuperate, but it's a continuous cycle because I'd rather fit as much activities as possible on my only free days than spend it wasting the morning/afternoon away in bed. So basically all I want to say is that I feel like shit. Woe is me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Anonymous Formspring Lurker
You kinda helped me realize my ability to indirectly piss someone off without even trying. So thank you. But try harder next time. Stay mad! ;)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I can't contain my excitement!
If you don't already know, I've become hooked on fútbol thanks to the amazingness that is the World Cup. La Furia Roja edged out Paraguay to make it into the semifinals, so that calls for spamming my own blog with some GIFs!
Team España - some Torres & Ramos love

Hasn't been playing up to par since he's not 100% yet, but I still got faith. I mean look at this guy.

Throwing in some Kaká for good measure
As for y'all that don't like this post:
Foodie/fatty post?
It's 12:32am, and I'm tired as fuhh. For the third time this week, I ate to the point of unbuttoning-of-the-pants. Despite feeling like shit from all this excessive food consumption (and lack of gym time), it's been damn worth it. I mean, a mini Babybel and a cup of coffee in the morning will only suffice for so long. Black coffee, 3 vanilla creamers, half a Splenda, add a little hot water to dilute. Everyday. I suppress myself so much during the workweek that these binges are bound to happen. There's also a part of me that just wants to see how far I can take it in terms of eating and gaining weight. Probably over-analyzing here but when people can't seem to think of something else to say to me besides "You're so small/tiny!" (like, EVER), I want to eat just to spite the world. Underlying body issues? Whatever, it's probably just tonight's beer talking.
Speaking of which, I don't know what took me so long to get hooked on beer. Imagine what that would've done to me at 198, my god. I've always been the wino of the group - cabernets, pinot grigios and rieslings FTW - but now I feel like I have some catching up to do start working my way up to "beer connoisseur" status. I owe it all to a trip to Yardhouse one fateful night and this:

Before trying this, I hated beer. Afterwards, I saw the light. Simple as that. Sidenote: my mom fronted me about drinking beer by myself in my room. She saw the empty cans in the
As for what I've consumed the past 3 days (with Raf's help):
Papas Loco with scrambled eggs. Quite possibly one of THE best plates of breakfast I've had in my life. Rosemary potatoes, grilled jalapeños, black beans, cheese, avocado, and sour cream.
Desayuno Burrito. Large tortilla filled with potatoes, eggs, cheese, beans, scallions, and chipotle cream.
Ginger mango sake2me & a glass of Riesling.
Gelato. Forgot the name of this behemoth of a dessert but it had at least milk chocolate, dark chocolate and hazelnut.
Strawberries and pastry cream crepe.
Marinated Tuna and Avocado Spring Roll.
Lightly Roasted Bonito Sashimi
Deep fried tofu with tempura sauce
Sand borer "Kisu" Fish Tempura
Roasted Duck with Green Onion
Rice Ball in Broth (Salmon)
I'm still recovering from fair food from last weekend to be honest...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
"Hey, so when are you & Raf finally going to... know."

I get that a lot. Especially now that a few of my friends my age are engaged or really starting to get serious with their significant other. Why am I getting bombarded with all these marriage questions already? In all honesty, I find it really absurd.
A few days ago, a friend of mine posted an article presenting a case against marriage from Newsweek's "Marriage Reconsidered". Without even getting to the article, I think it's pretty telling about folks in our generation that whenever I mention not buying into the idea of marriage, I personally get a lot of "I was just talking about this same exact thing to my friend the other day" or something along those lines. I felt that the article struck a nerve with me because it is relevant & something that's being talked about. And if I need to explain myself one more time when someone tells me "why not get married now?" I might need to smack someone.
In regards to marriage, I just don't think humans are meant to be monogamous. Not saying it can't be done though. Despite how I feel about marriage at the moment, I haven't lost faith in love. But with that being said, I don't feel like love is enough. By itself, I don't think it conquers all either.
//this post feels unfinished, might add more later
being grown,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Another sane solution from the GOP
GOP Congressional candidate Tom Mullins on putting landmines on the U.S.-Mexico border. And he doesn't sound like he's joking:
"We talk about a border fence and really what we get down to is its very difficult to have a fence and have that work. But we have some low-cost, low-tech solutions. And I know it sounds crazy, but we have -- we used to have land mines. I know it sounds like a crazy thing. But if we wanted to stop -- if we, have an attack on the United States, a nuclear attack, and we find that they carried the nuclear weapon and the people, the people who harmed us came across the border and we say, 'We have got to secure the border,' we could put land mines along the border.
I know it sounds crazy.
We could put up signs in 23 different languages, if necessary. And we could put up some barbed wire and say, 'We are securing the border. If you want to cross the border, you cross legally. You cross through the areas where we have our border patrol agents, where we have the checkpoints, and so you follow the law.'"
I know it sounds crazy.
We could put up signs in 23 different languages, if necessary. And we could put up some barbed wire and say, 'We are securing the border. If you want to cross the border, you cross legally. You cross through the areas where we have our border patrol agents, where we have the checkpoints, and so you follow the law.'"
Monday, June 14, 2010
Captain America

This guy...haha. More from Interview Magazine
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I'm Intrigued...
From Wikipedia:
Secular Humanism is a secular philosophy that espouses reason, ethics, and justice, and specifically rejects supernatural and religious dogma as the basis of morality and decision-making. Secular Humanism is a life stance that focuses on the way human beings can lead good, happy and functional lives.
*Need to test beliefs – A conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, whether religious, political or social, must be weighed and tested by each individual and not simply accepted on faith.
*Reason, evidence, scientific method – A commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence and scientific methods of inquiry, rather than faith, in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions.
*Fulfillment, growth, creativity – A primary concern with fulfillment, growth and creativity for both the individual and humankind in general.
*Search for truth – A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception of it.
*This life – A concern for this life and a commitment to making it meaningful through better understanding of ourselves, our history, our intellectual and artistic achievements, and the outlooks of those who differ from us.
*Ethics – A search for viable individual, social and political principles of ethical conduct, judging them on their ability to enhance human well-being and individual responsibility.
*Building a better world – A conviction that with reason, an open exchange of ideas, good will, and tolerance, progress can be made in building a better world for ourselves and our children.
*Reason, evidence, scientific method – A commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence and scientific methods of inquiry, rather than faith, in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions.
*Fulfillment, growth, creativity – A primary concern with fulfillment, growth and creativity for both the individual and humankind in general.
*Search for truth – A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception of it.
*This life – A concern for this life and a commitment to making it meaningful through better understanding of ourselves, our history, our intellectual and artistic achievements, and the outlooks of those who differ from us.
*Ethics – A search for viable individual, social and political principles of ethical conduct, judging them on their ability to enhance human well-being and individual responsibility.
*Building a better world – A conviction that with reason, an open exchange of ideas, good will, and tolerance, progress can be made in building a better world for ourselves and our children.
Notable people: Richard Dawkins, Roger Ebert, Albert Einstein, Jon Stewart, Jeremy Bentham (Oh hey John Locke), Kurt Vonnegut, John Lennon
Looks like I have more ideas for summer reading...

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Current faves "I THINK IM A LITTLE BIT, A LITTLE BIT IN LOVE WITH YOU." by Andy T.: "Queens Wardrobe Shorts, River Island Jacket"
[If I was a doppelganger for Zooey, I would be guaranteed cute too] "PINK MOON" by Philippa Colliass: "Denim Jacket, Playsuit, Waist-belt, Vintage Shoes. My Favourite At the Moment."
[HAIR!!] "sunny with a chance of pale" by Leah Huebner: "Highwaist Chinos from Salvation Army, Vintage Shades from Antiqued, Striped Shirt from Salvation Army, Leather Overthe Shoulder Bag from Antiqued"
[Simplicity done right] "Take me out...." by Stefany A: "Primark Jacket, H&M Boots"
[The sunglasses make this whole ensemble IMO]
On a fashion side-note, I think rompers and I just aren't meant to be. I've yet to find one that doesn't make me feel like I'm back in Kindergarten - the height doesn't help either /bummer
Popular trends I just can't get behind: Hippie headbands. Double denim. Fringe. The middle part(!).
Friday, June 4, 2010
Come as you are...on the DL?
I shared this video on Facebook a few days ago, but I didn't really get a chance to put my 2 cents in. After watching the ad, I'm sorta hoping that this is only the first of a series because it just fell flat in my opinion. So is he going to tell his dad? How will his dad respond? Is he going to bring his boyfriend next time? Which one is he in the picture? As is, I feel like this commercial doesn't have much of a point. I like that it's putting the issue out there & that it's realistic, but I'm not feeling the execution because it doesn't come off as supportive as I had hoped.
I wouldn't put it past McDonald's execs to have been all "hey let's make an ad that'll appeal to the gay market because that's what people do nowadays and everyone will commend us". It reminds me of Urban Outfitters initially pulling their "I Support Same Sex Marriage" tees off their racks & online store, citing it got "too much bad press". All while carrying tons of pro-Obama merchandise too. But what about stuff like -
It must've caught everyone by surprise to find out their favorite retailer that catered to liberals/hipsters/the pseudo-bohemian lifestyle was actually run by a Conservative who has backed anti-gay legislation by supporting guys like Rick Santorum (this Santorum fellow is also notorious for his views on Intelligent Design...don't even get me started).
Does the company's public image of being open and understanding really reflect its core? I'm not 100%. Prove me wrong, Mickey D's.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
One of those days
I will secretly judge you if you:
_park in handicapped spaces because you're lazy. Amount of time is not an issue.
_can't tidy up after yourself in a dressing room.
_use one of these words in my presence*: whore, skank, slut, cunt, chink, fob, fag.
_don't tip.
_make a domestic violence joke. Or even worse, try to justify it i.e. "No woman deserves to get hit but ___".
_seriously use "I'm too pretty"/"I'm too hot" for an excuse. For anything. I can't even believe I had to put this on here. Girl...
*Particular use of the word is considered, but for the most part - it's not gonna fly with me
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
One more, just for kicks
Monday, May 05, 2003
my GREAT-day streak fOllOwed me tOday! i have to admit i was a little tired going to school today, i had a hard time sleeping last night. iunno, maybe i juss didn't want the day to end yesterday cuz it was soo fun! anyways, today started off really well when i got my math test back in 1st period - 98%! i really wasn't expecting it, so that was a pleasant surprise. the rest of the day was pretty chill, then 6th period came. everyone was getting excited for tryouts and stuff. ever since yesterday i've been really hyper so when liza started teaching us the hip-hop routine for the tryouts i was all and i was practicing the routine raf taught me. i'm getting pretty damn good at it i admit - ha juss joshing, but yeah i was all hyper today it was fUN. we got a lot of people to show up at tryouts, mostly incoming freshmen. i hope this weeks runs smoothly, don't wanna be staying after school till 6:00 for nothing. so tryouts ended, and my baby came to visit me! i wasn't really sure if i'd see him today, so that was another cool surprise. we did our little routine thing for jamey and marvin, jamey said it was cute :) yeah i still feel all amateur cuz ur so pRO raf! u know u are...! love ya now here i am, doing my homework, its the end of the day. as long as my mood stays like this for the week, i'm all good. but my i'm actually leaning toward doing only ONE semester of guard...but...i still dunno. argh! need to make my decision soon...late guys
/the tyPInG wasn't as bad as last time. So much progress in less than a month!
my GREAT-day streak fOllOwed me tOday! i have to admit i was a little tired going to school today, i had a hard time sleeping last night. iunno, maybe i juss didn't want the day to end yesterday cuz it was soo fun! anyways, today started off really well when i got my math test back in 1st period - 98%! i really wasn't expecting it, so that was a pleasant surprise. the rest of the day was pretty chill, then 6th period came. everyone was getting excited for tryouts and stuff. ever since yesterday i've been really hyper so when liza started teaching us the hip-hop routine for the tryouts i was all and i was practicing the routine raf taught me. i'm getting pretty damn good at it i admit - ha juss joshing, but yeah i was all hyper today it was fUN. we got a lot of people to show up at tryouts, mostly incoming freshmen. i hope this weeks runs smoothly, don't wanna be staying after school till 6:00 for nothing. so tryouts ended, and my baby came to visit me! i wasn't really sure if i'd see him today, so that was another cool surprise. we did our little routine thing for jamey and marvin, jamey said it was cute :) yeah i still feel all amateur cuz ur so pRO raf! u know u are...! love ya now here i am, doing my homework, its the end of the day. as long as my mood stays like this for the week, i'm all good. but my i'm actually leaning toward doing only ONE semester of guard...but...i still dunno. argh! need to make my decision soon...late guys
/the tyPInG wasn't as bad as last time. So much progress in less than a month!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It's finally here :(
Time to wait for the finale!
All these years of being mind-fucked has taken its toll...
but I'm sad it's coming to an end.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I still need Whoopi to explain the difference between "rape" & "rape-rape"
...I'm still SMH over that one.
Anyways, I can always rely on ONTD for some fun reads about unnecessary celebrity bullshit, but every once in a while I come across something that's a bit more thought-provoking than the latest candids of Kim Kardashian promoting her latest weight-loss product. It reminded me of this article about rape culture I read a while back - I'm sharing it now since I don't remember if I ever linked it from my blog before this.
Case in point.
1. Don't put drugs in people's drinks in order to control their behavior.
2. When you see someone walking by themselves, leave them alone!
3. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, remember not to assault them!
4. NEVER open an unlocked door or window uninvited.
5. If you are in an elevator and someone else gets in, DON'T ASSAULT THEM!
6. Remember, people go to laundry to do their laundry, do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.
7. USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public.
8. Always be honest with people! Don't pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone you want to assault. Consider telling them you plan to assault them. If you don't communicate your intentions, the other person may take that as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.
9. Don't forget: you can't have sex with someone unless they are awake!
10. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone "on accident" you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can blow it if you do.
And, ALWAYS REMEMBER: if you didn't ask permission and then respect the answer the first time, you are committing a crime- no matter how "into it" others appear to be.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Lol of the day
It's always hilarious coming across songs that you listened when you were younger & not clever enough to know what the song was really about. Or just weren't paying enough attention. The ones that when you hear them now it makes you go oh...OH! Now you can relate hahaha.

/edit: Need to add this one because it makes me laugh everytime
Reminds of this time in elementary school when Idelle & Nikki were so upset that they didn't pass the auditions for the talent show. Thinking back, I would have loved to see the look on the parents' faces when they finished performing "Waterfalls". Second graders singing about drug dealing & HIV...the PTA would've had a field day.

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