The scoop about the "betrayals" is that a couple days after LC left for Paris for Teen Vogue related stuff, on-again off-again guy friend Brody comes out publicly about his relationship with a new girl. Big whoop. As for Audrina, LC's best friend/roommate, I guess LC is pissed at her for patching up her friendship with LC's ex-best friend Heidi (you guys follow me?). LC, you are not in high school any more, get over the drama. Maybe you feel like all your friends "betray" you because you're so fcking boring and surround yourself with attention whores that are riding on your coattails of "fame". LOL at college-age women who still say "you're not allowed to be friends with her because we have drama that never really involved you in the first place".
What makes it even more irritating are LC's latest comments about dating and "bad boys" on the Ryan Seacrest show:
"Why don't you like sweet guys?" Ryan Seacrest asked the Hills star on his show this morning.
"They're not as fun!" Conrad, 22, admitted. Pal Lauren "Lo" Bosworth agreed, noting, "Sweet boys can be, like, filler."
Conrad says she's "easily bored" and dating is all "about the chase."
"You want the game to be played," Conrad, 22, says. "You don't want to have a great time and him to call you right after!"
"It's weak to text," Conrad adds.
Seacrest, who said Conrad is "tragic in [the dating] department," asked, "What's with you and falling for these guys?"
Conrad replied, "I have no idea!"
No wonder so many guys are confused! Any girl insinuating that she likes games to be played and that sweet guys are boring needs to be shot. LC complains about being hurt in relationships, then talks about how she goes for the guys that treat you like shit. A+ girlfriend.
At least Spencer and Heidi are funny in their lame attempts at attention.
Exhibit B:

at least spencer has nice kicks.
i think its funny how she talks about she has so much drama. mann its cuz her ass is on a TV show. no one like boring people. the one thing i hate about reality tv/documentaries.
*cough* STAGED *cough*
ahah "if you end a song with spoken word do you have to pay the year of 1992 in royalties"
so fucked up hahah
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