Trying to get to and from San Diego in such a hurry right after work lately almost made me forget how much I love
driving at night so much more. Besides the obvious clearer roadways and avoidance of rush hour stress, night driving to and from San Diego and Irvine just puts me in this certain
vibe. The silence on the road allows me for that hour and fifteen minutes to think more clearly about things, along with some
KyXy 96.5 in the background - I really can't get myself to listen to anything else during this time. It's also the only time I will belt to the top of my lungs because no one can hear me, and the fact that I can pretty much sing the chorus of every song that comes on - REO Speedwagon, James Ingram, Toto -
all the soft rock staples,
try me.
On the most recent trip down to SD, I already had that mindset that
summer is pretty much over. Although I don't go back to school until the end of the month, everyone else is back to the books. I don't even have anything going on after the
Vegas trip this weekend (
whoo!) except work, so Sin City seals the deal for me. I'll probably have a more thorough end of summer review in the future but I just wanted to touch on some
views of mine that have been steadfast since the beginning of the summer.
Like I mentioned in
Lessons Learned, I adopted a more
realistic and "
It is what it is" perspective towards life at the summer's start. And well, it's the end of the summer and not much has changed. I worked almost everyday since the end of finals and while I wish I could be wallowing in cash right now, this time my parents put more
responsibility on me and I had shit to pay for, along with setting goals to save up money for certain things -
Raf's Birthday, Vegas trip, etc. Gas, groceries, partial rent, car payments, books for school, and all the everyday essentials add up quicker than you think. Also, my
laptop crashed a couple weeks ago, and although that was a bummer, I was super excited to finally get a new laptop - until I realized
I would be paying for
all of it. A very different story from last summer, when I spent my money about 20 minutes after clocking out every other day. Thank God I'm not working retail anymore.
My new perspective on things also affected the way I handled
relationships. For me, it was very easy before to be naive about wants and needs - a very "
all you need is love" kinda thing. But I realized it's a lot easier on paper than it is in practice. Sure I didn't want to admit that things like
money and
job quality and million other issues mattered to me in the end, but when these things come at you and force you to make decisions you needn't had to do before, it can be a very big
wake up call. I've come to the conclusion that maybe a relationship really
can't survive on love alone, and that mindset was something hard for me to let go. Maybe money and job quality aren't the best examples, but can a real, satisfying, loving relationship survive without faith? Support from your family and friends? Tolerance of each other's differences? I guess in the end even almighty
love couldn't escape my theory about everything needing to be in
This summer was full of
reality checks, and I think it was what I needed. But summer isn't totally over yet, and what I reallllly need is a real vacation.
Vegas post when I return!!