I just uploaded about 400 songs to my computer thanks to my brother. NIOCE.

Why I bring this up: I can't stand putting my whole iTunes on shuffle because I need some consistency when listening to music. Unfortunately, that means missing out on a lot of good stuff that's right in front of me - if it doesn't come to mind, it just won't get played. I'm always looking for new stuff to add, only to be listened to a few times then forgotten...they're like the never-worn, still-have-tags pieces of clothing just sitting in my closet. What a waste.
But don't you guys have those moments when you listen to a song and you can automatically think of the perfect corresponding moment from your day? Or it takes to you somewhere very specific? Happened to me quite a lot today so I thought I'd share.
That guy that your friend won't shut up about but just needs to drop already. I will confront the dude for you my friend if that means getting all fierce up in his face Janet-style with accompanying dance moves. I'll even be content with a background dancer role. God I wish life was like a music video sometimes.
I heard this song at Starbucks and it automatically made my heart all warm and gushy. It also makes me want to fly? It's just awesome.
Good morning at work...
and sometimes by the end of the day. Hah.
Yeezy thanks you for your time.
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