I've decided I'm going to put myself on a budget. I've been doing well with putting $ into my savings every payday but my God - this coffee habit is getting the best of me. Going into Lent, I hoped that I'd be able to kick this; now, I just feel like it's worse than ever. I'm curbing my spending habits on food to accommodate my Starbucks/Peet's/Bad Ass Coffee fix, but I know I can do better. It's just hard when this is all I think about everyday -

Caramel macchiato. I like mine iced grande with nonfat milk, upside down, light on the ice. Sometimes with sugar-free vanilla. However, after I started going to the Peet's near my workplace, my Starbucks drinks started to taste watered down. I'm still a fan of their hazelnut & pumpkin spice latte though *drool*

At Peet's I'll usually go for the dark chocolate mocha freddo. Their coffee seems a little bolder & deep roasted than Starbucks, but it might take a while to get used to if you're not a regular. If you don't like stronger coffee you probably won't like it off the bat.

Ice blended black forest at Bad Ass Coffee. Obviously I don't have a picture of it, but you KNOW it's gonna be good. I gotta admit all of their drinks just seem like variations of the same thing because the kona coffee taste overpowers the other flavors, but I love kona coffee so no complaints here. Plus their blended drinks are very finely blended to a really smooth & creamy texture *more drooling*
I wish I could say that I frequent independent coffee shops as well but I just have to make do with what's nearby, plus there's the fact that I always leave my house in the morning at the last minute possible. Anyways, to cut down spending (& unnecessary calories) I bought these today:

I hope they don't disappoint.
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