So Spring Break already passed by like it was nothing, and today was my not-so-dreaded return to school. I did really well last quarter, so I came into this one with some good motivation and confidence. We'll see how long that outlook holds up (ask me at the end of 2nd week maybe? haha) but I'm taking all biology classes this quarter so I really want to take this opportunity to boost up my Biosci GPA up. I don't have much to say about spring break since I didn't do anything too exciting, so this is just going to be another random thoughts post about stuff here and there.
1. I shouldn't be too surprised, but even during spring break I could not escape the Smash pandemic. In SD or Irvine, late night or in the middle of the day, Smash was there. The surprising part should be that I actually considered getting into the game myself. I played video games like one of the guys in elementary school and I'm pretty good at picking up stuff fast, so why not right? Omg what the heck am I saying.
2. I've been obsessing over American Apparel lately. Their stuff is so comfy and they have a lot of basic pieces that you can wear with anything, even if it is a little on the pricy side. However, I have to say that their ads are LOLtastic sometimes. I was browsing through their site on my lunch break at work and became mortified at this half naked chick in only skinny jeans sticking her ass at the screen while gnawing on her finger. Oh yeah and bare breasts too. Nice. Maybe the 70's porn-inspired advertising is part of the appeal.
Notice the great product placement.

3. I would have thrown such a fit if the Jabbawockeez didn't win ABDC. The West Coast pwns so much at the dance scene, it's crazy. Kaba Modern alum/well-known choreographer Miguel Zarate is going to be on that new Bravo dance show Step Up and Dance, so check that out. I'm also looking forward to the second season of ABDC just to see familiar faces on TV, because you know some of the West Coast teams that we've been watching for years are going to end up on there.
4. I've been so proud of myself for my workout ethic lately. I've been going 3-4 times each week, and I'm going to make sure I keep this going into summer. This is the vain part of me speaking, but I found good motivation in buying clothes that I wouldn't wear unless I was feeling really good about myself (aka little red dress). Because first of all, you don't want to look bad in the clothes, and second, you actually want to try because it would be a waste to spend $$$ on clothes and not wear them, right?
5. So to redeem myself from sounding too superficial, I just want to say I really learned so much during the past quarter in school - and it's stuff that I think is actually relevant to life. I'm more aware and concerned about issues that struck a nerve with me, such as women's rights (or lack of them) around the world and global health issues. An interesting book that I read was "Strapped" by Tamara Draut, which talks about why it's becoming harder and harder for people in our generation to get ahead, from rising college costs, the prevalence of debt among young people, and lots of other issues that really got me thinking about my future. It's somewhat of a depressing read, but an interesting one.
1 comment:
ahah nice way to end on a down note.. from a high point with super smash bros. to my likely future in that 'strapped' book, thanks alot
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