Not only is this gem of a line one of my faves from Mean Girls, but sadly this is what comes to mind as I survey the myspace world nowadays. Once in a while I'll log in to my brother's myspace (it's ok, he doesn't care) to see what his friends are up to or because I'm dying of boredom, only to regret clicking on seemingly harmless album titles such as "parties" and the like. I am seriously grossed out. I don't want to see 16/17-year olds wearing shirts attempting to show off their not-yet-in-existence cleavage or booty shorts they won't be able to fill out until the freshman 15. And additional signs of adolescence such as braces and baby fat around the face only intensify this "baby prostitute" vibe that seeps from my screen. Then again, what am I to expect in this generation that worhips BBV & Miley Cyrus.

Case in point: no one is safe from this epidemic. Not even Hannah Montana.
Myspace wars bring the LOLs as well. The comments between the participating parties are always fun to read, but when they decide to step up their game and take it to bulletins, the entertainment value just skyrockets.
Aside from the "baby prostitute" theme, here are some other myspace pictures to avoid.
Awkward situtation caught on camera. Or, "one of these things is not like the others".
Emo/unflattering angle/WTF all in one.

Tattoos gone horribly wrong.
whoaa is that really miley cyrus?? i was just groovin to her new single this morning too
that picture makes me scared to get more tattoos
emo/scene kid - KEEP YOUR CHIN UP!!! ... Nevermind.
okay.. who ever did this thing. is just a moron. uhm dont be jealout juss cuz your probably a fat ass chick who cant get no dick and has to spend her time looking at younger kids profiles. seriously chick get a dildo or something
yea fuckn fatass chick
The man's wife whom he got tattooed on his arm died tragically. They were walking home from a night out with their friends when a man with a knife jumped out and grabbed her. He pressed the knife to her throat and whispered: “You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.” I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, “Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!” I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie, “Yo holmes smell ya later!” Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
Everyone on this post is hot, all of them.
To those who commented: If you had any intelligence at all, you'd see the "About Me" picture in the top right corner, where you can obviously see that the writer is NOT a "fatass chick."
about the tatoo, it's probably the guys fault for not specifying that he want his wife to look the way she did in the picture not how she looks now after being dead for a year! looks more like a zombie bride.
Lmao at that tattoo but yeah, that picture of Mylie Cyrus is disgusting. But you should have cleavage at 16/17, not sure where you live that 16 and 17 year olds dont.
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