First off I'd like to commence this entry with a big FCUK YOU to finals. Actually to school in general for the most part. I somehow managed to go through 10th week without going to a single class. I guess I find it more important to overcome my sickness before the weekend (in which I have a feeling I won't be much more productive either). I make myself feel better by saying I'm only missing review sessions anyways.

Other shows I should be ashamed of watching include but are not limited to: I Love New York, A Shot at Love, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Girls Next Door, etc. etc...Damn television nowadays. Whenever I watch Super Sweet Sixteen or other trashtastic "reality" shows, it makes a part of me not look forward to having kids. Blech.
But besides the looming destruction known as finals, I LOVE DECEMBER. It'll be the 5-year anniversary for Raf and me on the 19th; I would consider that one of the biggest milestones for me so far. Then my 21st birthday on the 24th. I don't think I'll be planning anything though until after winter break. Shame that people still mistake me for a 16-year old sometimes. Then of course there's Christmas, New Year's, presents, family, friends, and just feeling fcking festive! Hah I'm always at my happiest at this time of year.

A: What's really Hood Mike? This sounds like some Jerry Springer shit, 7months without even a glance at the pussy what is that about, you sure she's nota man? I know you said she has two kids but damn are they her's? You knowthere's a lot of punks out here getting ass shots and tittie jobs but for realyou say you ain't feel no ass, titties or nothing. What is she saying about thisbecause something in the milk ain't clean. What is she telling you when you tryand get some, damn I'm lost for words. Well all I can say is if you really careabout her talk to her and find out what's really going on and why she's holdingback. Tell her your needs as a man and let her know how you feel cause shitshe's going to have to drop them panties sooner or later and I hope she ain'thiding a dick under there. Shit maybe she's waiting for marriage this time yousay she has two kids already, maybe she wants to do it right this time and if soyou better start shopping for a ring or move...Next!!!!!
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