I just got up to take a shot because roommate Melody Cruz is back! It's great to finally have another female back in 198. I love the guys and all, but that certain spot that was missing the last couple months has finally been filled. Now we can compensate for the Fathead and newest video game additions with maybe some Anne Geddes posters or fresh flower pots on the patio.
Speaking of video games, Rock Band is probably one of the greatest achievements of man. Second only to trying to study, this game has taken up the most time out of my finals week so far. Not a day goes by when I don't find myself singing (in my head of course) "It's been such a loooong time, I think I should be gooooin', yeah..."

Still, it hasn't quite reached Guitar Hero II status for me in regards to being near and dear to my heart. I don't see myself burning a Rock Band soundtrack CD for my car anytime soon. We'll see.
This finals week has been pretty chill so far, nothing too crazy. Yet. Until I get some new pics at the end of this week, here is a montage commemorating finals week from Spring Quarter 07.
unless those flower pots are growing weed in them, i dont think theyd last out there
"Speaking of video games, Rock Band is probably one of the greatest achievements of man."
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