I finally got a chance to spend some much needed quality time with Sybil today. It's pretty nice to have someone that I've known for so long still be there for me when needed. Anyways, we got into our usual talk about how things were in high school, who we've come across lately, the usual biz. Something that we both agreed on is how it seems like kids seem to be aging faster and faster nowadays. We're basing this on appearance and how one carries him/herself as the criteria; maturity and the like are fodder for an entirely different argument... I mean I get taken aback sometimes at how some sophomores in high school look so much older than me. And I don't just mean ME me, but say class of '05ers collectively. From the clothes to the shoes, plus make-up and hair, it's a little ridiculous to strive to look like you came straight off a magazine ad - especially when it's going to first period English or what have you. Maybe it's because teens are following trends more closely now? Or it's just a normal changing of the times? I don't know. But what I realized when we were looking back at pictures from our days at Mt. Carmel is that I'm glad that I looked like I did back then haha. If I come off superficial I'm not trying to say I was hot shit back then because I obviously wasn't (see 2 posts back for conclusive evidence). What I am trying to say is that I'm glad that I didn't realize my full potential in high school because that leaves room for improvement. I'd rather find myself more and develop in college than look in the mirror and think "Wow I haven't changed since high school". Although I'm focusing a lot of this on outer appearances, a lot of it really has to do with a sense of self, which (I think) correlates with your style and how you carry yourself. I know this came off as a little random, it's just been on my mind for a while. I don't even know if my rambling made any sense, but even if a couple of you get what I'm trying to say, then I've succeeded!
As for more recent times, 2007 has definitely been a year of highs and lows in almost all facets of my life. I'll spare you the details and just say that I've learned tons about myself this year, as well as about people I know and people in general. I just gotta keep on learning and keep a smile going into the next year, and everything will fall into place. My resolutions aren't that specific, but it's really to just take everything that I've learned up to now and to put it to good use and apply it to 2008 - this covers school, family matters, relationships, my strengths & weaknesses, even getting fit! I had to put that in, that's an obligatory resolution for me... I don't mind as much if I make mistakes every now and then as long as I walk away learning something from it. I'd also like to see myself more committed to this blog than my previous ones - it's funny to see what kind of mindset (or mindfcuk) I'm in throughout certain phases of my life.
When it comes to resolutions in general, I hate it when people say they only have one resolution, to "not have any resolutions". Hello, that totally defeats your purpose of being devoid of resolutions. Just say you don't have any then! Hah.
Thank you to my family for another year of love and support. I know I can be stubborn sometimes, but I really take to heart what you guys say, and I appreciate everything you've done for me. And Jay since you're the only one who will actually be reading this, shoutout to you! Thanks for listening anytime, and you know you can tell me anything. Thanks Raf for another year, what can I say except you're the best! You're my BFF forreal :] Thank you SD & Irvine friends & 198 for the good times in 2007, because there was NO SHORTAGE of those whatsoever haha. More to come in 2008, best believe I'm going to take advantage of being 21 until December 23 of this coming year. Because honestly, what's the next big milestone to look forward to? Turning 30? No thanks.

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